Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Brooklyn Bridge

While I was visiting Ground Zero I saw a sign for the Brooklyn Bridge. I decided I had to go see that. So, I walked on the Brooklyn Bridge. I didn't go all the way across. I just walked to the first archway. It was a nice walk though. Here are some pictures of the bridge. You may notice that I was getting closer and closer as I walked.

There was a great view of New York from the bridge. I took some nice pictures. At least they would have been nice if the wires and poles weren't in alot of the pictures. Here they are anyway.

This is the Manhattan bridge as seen from the Brooklyn Bridge.

Here's some pictures of some familiar buildings.

I knew Jeff would be sad if I didn't take any pictures with me in it. So I took this self portrait. As is true with all self portraits, this is a terrible picture of me!

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