Thursday, November 13, 2008

Stormin' the Castle

I generally avoid all talk of politics. I have my opinions and I generally have no desire to discuss them or to hear them discussed. But I find that I can't keep the marches on our LDS temples out of my head. So for some reason, I feel that I need to post my feelings here.

I sympathize greatly with the gays and lesbians out there. I can understand how they feel they are being mistreated. Take God from the picture and I would be on their side. But, unfortunately, I can't take God from the picture. He's involved in everything I do and in every decision I make. I can't leave Him out of this.

So, whenever I don't understand something, I turn to the scriptures and to personal prayer. I've done that a lot the last couple of days. Here are my thoughts.

The Scriptures are not subtle on this issue. It is very clear from the beginning of the Bible that God does not look favorably upon homosexuality. I can't say that I understand completely why, but it is in there many times. From the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to the writings of Paul, God's views are clear. We believe in a God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We believe in an unchanging God. He does not change His doctrines or opinions based on popular vote or belief. Therefore, the LDS church cannot either. If we did, we would either be denying the God we believe in or we would be the biggest hypocrites ever.

God performed the first marriage between Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. At that time he set the precedent for the family. Today we turn to our Prophet for answers to hard questions. He has never led us astray and he won't today. He tells us to support the family. He does not tell us to hate gays and lesbians. We can do one without doing the other. We must do one without the other.

I could say a lot more, but I think I'll leave it there. Next entry I'll go back to pictures of soccer games and birthday parties.

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